Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Robert "King" Wilkerson found and safe, Ahmad Nelson abandoned in prison

I posted earlier about Robert "King" Wilkerson, he has been located and is safe. He wa s interviewed on Flashpoints on Tuesday the show can be downloaded here, the interview with King starts around minute 8.

Ahmad Nelson is also mentioned in that earlier post. I just recieved this e-mail:

Ahmad Nelson, a native of New Orleans, was in the Orleans Parish Prison on the day the Hurricane hit. He was there on trumped up charges of trespassing (he is a black male, and this happens to him all-too frequently).

A really good friend of mine is close friends with him (they have a baby boy together) and just talked to him over the phone. Ahmad is in Houston now, with a portion of his family.

Ahmad told Maga (my friend) that he was LEFT IN ORLEANS PARISH PRISON, along with every other prisoner, when the Hurricane hit and the flood waters rose. The prison guards and other staff left, evacuated the prison and left the inmates there to fend for themselves - most of which were locked in their cells (the cell doors were stuck due to power outages).

Ahmad tells of riots and total panic within the prison as it started filling with water. He says "the whole prison is going to have to be rebuilt" as the inmates literally tore the place apart, trying to escape anyway they could.

Ahmad went four days and nights locked in the prison WITHOUT ANY FOOD OR WATER.

It is unclear to me how he escaped, but he did, and swam what he said seemed like MILES in flood waters feet above his head (he is over 6" tall) until he finally came to an interestate bank above the flood waters... Along his swimming path he tells of seeing people throwing their babbies and themselves into the water, starved and tired after being alone, stuck on their rooftops for over four days and nights in the summer sun without any food, water or shelter - or any relief in sight.

Ahmad is safe now, miraculously. He is in Houston and has found many members of his family their. I am not sure where they are going next, but am told, amazingly that they are in good spirits and are very positive and happy to be with eachother.

My friend Maga and I are working with friends in Houston to ensure that Ahmad and his family find proper care, etc.

I am writing this to those I know, as this is a story that I have yet to hear on the media - and it is a story that must be told!

It is one of the more disturbing stories outlining the examples of governmental neglect and racism towards the people of New Orleans.

I thought I would write friends and collegues to share this story, as I know many of you do work within independent (and public) media. If anyone would like to learn more about Ahmad's story and the story of the New Orleans prisoners left behind in the rising flood waters, please feel free to contact my good friend Maga. Her e.mail is :

Maga Merello

She is on contact with Ahmad and his family on a day-to-day basis.

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