Thursday, September 01, 2005

the morality of capitalism

when Charles Hurwitz loots a Savings and Loan to clearcut a forest it is entrepenurial.

when someone in New Orleans takes a TV it is looting.

scream with me: ARRRRRGH!

the naked amorality of this system is blinding today. the top dog was on Good Morning America essentially saying if people on the Gulf Coast take food, water, clothes or medicine without paying they are criminals and will be prosecuted. people are literally dying in the designated waiting areas. there's some ivory tower blogger locked in a building off of the grid, with armed security, streaming video of the action outside and pretending he's Mad Max. from the safety of desktops everywhere people are debating the fine points of ethics and morality, which is a good thing, it'd be a great thing if it was coupled with an outpouring of action.


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