Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Least Sucky Prequel Ever

(possibly barring the early version of the Exorcist prequel)

Revenge of the Sith, feels familiar. The oppressive obvious evil, and thankfully finally characters I can care about. I actually gave a shit about Anakin this time, felt sorry for Padme and Obi-Wan, and Yoda got to trash talk the Emperor. Lucas hasn’t recaptured the glory of The Empire Strikes Back or Star Wars with this installment, but he has finished the story and sharpened its message.

The Good: Anakin’s slide toward evil, the Emperor revealed, the fall of the Jedi

The Bad: Lucas is still romantically dead, the wookies are just window dressing, the Frankenstein moment, I wanted more bitterness from Anakin at the end

The Ugly: the effects are too good there is no wonder left it’s all just eye candy, with four climactic light saber duels there is a distinct lack of the mid-fight plot development of the originals, the twin “surprise” ending

There are a bunch of plot holes that will leave fan boys (like me) losing sleep.

Best line goes to Padme: “this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause”

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