Monday, March 07, 2005

why do "they" hate "us" (in progress)

In one of the fan documentaries, about the anticipation of the Star Wars prequels, there is a scene that juxtaposes Kosovar refugees queued up for UN relief rations with Star Wars fans queued up for Episode One toys. Now while the US occupies Iraq, Star Trek fans can muster dozens to protest the cancelation of Enterprise while cops go on vacation to Iraq getting thousands of dollars from US taxpayers, all this is supported by SUVs with yellow ribbon magnets and images of "typical" american life are summerized for the world by The O.C., Desperate Housewives, etc. popular american thought is represented by such stalwarts as any network talking head, then there's the the new comediantellectual (don't get me wrong Jon Stewart and Micheal Moore are funny and smart and have captured the zietgiest in a way I'm almost jealous of, but both are lacking any real systemic critism of the anything and Al "let's buy out urban multi-lingual community AM stations and broadcast screaming white people" Franken... oh forget it)

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